Hazardous waste management

management of the radioactive waste generated as a result of dismantling, cleaning and decontamination of structural parts and structures on outer surfaces of technological parts of facilities and support systems, in the scope of radioactive waste fragmentation, separation and sorting
In accordance with the company’s license to remove materials containing asbestos from buildings not interconnected with the interior, our company removes asbestos, as a hazardous substance, harmless in a wet process, i.e. prior to the disassembly asbestos is first stabilized by means of a special spray application and subsequently removed and transported to a hazardous waste dump.
handling with hazardous wastes including preparation of hazardous waste for transport to be stored at a waste dump, which are established in the Catalogue of Wastes (decree of MoE SR no. 365/2015 Coll.):
waste paints and varnishes containing organic solvents or other hazardous substances
waste adhesives and sealing materials containing organic solvents or other hazardous substances
other solvents or solvent mixtures
packings containing remains of hazardous substances or contaminated with hazardous substances
metal packings containing hazardous rigid porous basic material (e.g. asbestos) including empty pressure vessels
absorbents, filter materials including not specified oil filters, cleaning cloths, protective wear contaminated with hazardous substances
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If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.