Since its establishment, ROBO Piešťany, a.s. has implemented numerous projects, particularly in the field of industrial structures and in power engineering, at the JE-EBO premises: maintenance, routine repair, general repair, decommissioning of A1 and V1 units of the Jaslovské Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant.
Power industry
Jadrová a vyraďovacia spoločnosť, a.s.
- dismantling of large components of the primary circuit
- dismantling and fragmentation of the internal reactor structures (reactor shaft protection lid, thermal insulation of the reactor shafts, upper block with thermal insulation, annular water tank, reactor pressure vessel head and support ring)
- design and construction of seismic resistant wet fragmentation pools of the reactors
- construction of the cranes and crane tracks in the reactor hall including maintenance and electric distributions
- operation of the cutting equipment for fragmentation of the internal reactor structures and reactor pressure vessels under water
- calculation of seismic resistance and reduction of the reactor shaft
- demolition of activated and contaminated concrete parts of the reactor shafts
- dismantling of steel linings in the rooms of hermetic zone
- demolition of contaminated concrete parts of the Spent Fuel Storage Pool and Universal Pit
- demolition of contaminated concrete parts of the boric acid emergency storage tanks
- repair and supplementation of the lighting in the Reactor Hall
- removal of the systems and tanks of the Auxiliary Building
- demolition of V1 NPP Cooling towers,
- decontamination of the Primary circuit
- decontamination of the Spent Fuel Pools and other contaminated tanks of V1 NPP
- integrated computer system for V1 NPP decommissioning logistic system
- dismantling of installations in V1 NPP Turbine Hall including demolition of TG plinths
- dismantling of insulation in V1 NPP Turbine Hall
- installation of the facility and workshop for sorting and processing of cables
- delivery and construction of the rail scale
- dismantling of electrical systems
- conditioning of Buffer storage areas
- delivery of transport and packaging forms for decommissioning of V1 NPP (drums, steel pallets, bags and foils, containers)
- delivery of the goods for operation of RAW processing (mixed cement, gravel aggregate with high content of silicon oxide)
- special cleaning services, cleaning services carried out by means of industrial mountaineering
- radioactive waste fragmentation and separation and operation of machines during separation and fragmentation
- repairs at height performed by means of industrial mountaineering, repairs of building structures, facades, paintings and coatings
- radioactive waste separation and fragmentation and radioactive waste conditioning for free release into the environment
- measurement of aerosol and iodic filters´ efficiency in the ventilation equipment of V1 NPP primary circuit
- design and refitting of mobile radiation monitoring equipment
- elaboration of detail design for the improvement of Bohunice Processing Centre monitoring facilities
- elaboration of detail design for specific activity measurement of hygienic loops
- cleaning of potable water reservoirs for V1 and V2 NPP
- removal, collection and disposal of impurities from the racks and bottom of V1 NPP spent fuel storage pool
- clean-up of reactor internal structures and reactor pressure vessel by pumping off highly contaminated particles, sediments and sludge after fuel removal, and separation of the generated RAW into shielded storage containers
- fire resistance strengthening of interim spent fuel storage facility at Bohunice
- façade coating of the Interim Storage of Spent Fuel and reconstruction of hygienic facilities
- detail design and construction of the shelters above entry spaces of the guard buildings
- hydraulic regulation of the heating system pipelines – expert assessment of the technical condition and elaboration of the technical solution
- delivery of gravel aggregate to concrete for production of FCC
- delivery of drums and pallets with bund
- assembly and dis-assembly of scaffolding at V1 NPP and A1 NPP
JACOBS Slovakia, s.r.o. / AMEC
- elaboration of design documentation for building permit for refurbishment of Sliač Air base
- performance of terrain surveys at the premises of Sliač military Air base (pyrotechnical, presence of asbestos, engineering-geological, hydrological, environmental, topographical, structural, constructional, engineering networks, rainwater drainage)
- removal of liners in the controlled area and reactor shafts of the nuclear plant
- fragmentation and sorting of technological parts of the primary circuit
- fragmentation of large service shielding container of FCC
Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.
- civil and electrical installation modifications
- special and industrial cleaning, special cleaning carried out by means of industrial mountaineering, seismic retrofitting of nuclear power plant facilities and structures
- floor repair in the controlled area, repair of structures of nuclear power plant technological buildings, paint repair in nuclear power plant technological buildings
- paint repairs, masonry, timber works and plumbing works carried out on the technological equipment and facilities in the nuclear power plant under operation and during outage
- disassembly and installation of ceilings for nuclear power plant buildings, demolition of reinforced concrete structures including transport of debris to a dumping site
- A1 reactor hall decontamination, special cleaning of reservoirs and tanks
- corrective repair of the lining coatings in the controlled and hermetic zones
- wall paint repair in V2 NPP SE-EBO hermetic zone
- sludge treatment and separation in V2 EBO blow-off channel
- civil modifications and modifications of electrical installation in CB 631A and 721
JESS, a.s.
- construction of the guard point
- repair of facade of the CB 53
- decontamination of the primary circuit
Chemcomex Praha, a.s.
- dismantling of installations in V1 NPP Turbine Hall including demolition of TG plinths
- design documentation for Facility for management with institutional RAW and detected radioactive materials
- Installation of the rail scale and installation of the activity monitor – design documentation and construction
- re-location of the activity monitor within CB 490:V1 – establishment of the controlled area
- demolition of V1 NPP Cooling towers
- dismantling of large components of the primary circuit
- dismantling and fragmentation of the internal reactor structures (reactor shaft protection lid, thermal insulation of the reactor shafts, upper block with thermal insulation, annular water tank, reactor pressure vessel head and support ring)
- design and construction of seismic resistant wet fragmentation pools of the reactors
- construction of the cranes and crane tracks in the reactor hall including maintenance and electric distributions
- operation of the cutting equipment for fragmentation of the internal reactor structures and reactor pressure vessels under water
- calculation of seismic resistance and reduction of the reactor shaft
- demolition of activated and contaminated concrete parts of the reactor shafts
- dismantling of steel linings in the rooms of hermetic zone
- demolition of contaminated concrete parts of the Spent Fuel Storage Pool and Universal Pit
- demolition of contaminated concrete parts of the boric acid emergency storage tanks
- operation of the decontamination facility
- operation of dosimetry measurement and classification of radioactive materials
- cleaning and decontamination of the exhaust fan
- decontamination of the Primary circuit
NUVIA, a.s
- repair of the radiation control devices
- civil works at V2 NPP
VUJE a.s. Trnava
- fragmentation works of the primary circuit components
- liquidation of 30 containers according to the approved technological procedure for liquidation
- treatment of contaminated soil and concrete rubble – construction adaptations
- auxiliary works involved in the installation of an inspection stand for spent fuel monitoring
- processing and treatment of sludges from the nuclear power plant technological structures, long-term storage pool and collecting shafts
VÚEZ, a.s. Levice
- works at heights using mountaineering outfit – installation of reference marker tags and leaks search
- works at heights using mountaineering outfit – installations at the hydroelectric power plant Gabčíkovo
- work at heights performed on V2 NPP cooling towers
AMEC Nuclear Slovakia s.r.o.
- modification of the floor in V1 NPP Turbine Hall
- scaffolding works
- sample collection from V1 NPP Unit 1 and 2 reactor shafts by diamond drilling
STABIL, spol. s r.o.
- diamond core drilling of a concrete wall at Jaslovské Bohunice
- complete refurbishment of V1 EBO radiation monitoring control room
VF, s.r.o.
- monitoring system for waste water disposal into the Manivier stream
- demolition and reconstruction of the radioactive emitters labyrinth shielding of the calibration facility
ČEZ, a.s.
- repainting of technological structures of the power plant Počerady
ÚJV Řež, a.s.
- core drilling to reinforced concrete structures
- deep drills through the foundation slab of the Reactor building and taking the samples of soil and concrete
- construction modifications, preparatory construction works for technological installations
- reconstruction works, industrial cleaning in the area of production
- installation of a lightning conductor on a chimney, installation of wiring and lighting system for the chimney
Energomont s.r.o.
- seismic retrofitting of external cladding
Chirana - Dental, s.r.o.
- industrial cleaning of the production premises, reconstruction civil works
Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave
- diagnostics of concrete structures
- industrial cleaning of the production building walls and structures
Bytový podnik Piešťany, s.r.o.
- thermal insulation of the external cladding of the apartment house in Piešťany with complete reconstruction of the roof and balconies
- cleaning of wall and ceiling surfaces in spa hotels, rehabilitation of the roof in the Slovan Hotel, reconstruction of the Grand Hotel kitchen
ENERGOCLIMA spol. s r.o.
- drilling of holes into reinforced concrete structures using diamond technology, anti-corrosive paintworks on civil constructions and technological structures
- seismic retrofitting of external cladding
- assembly and dis-assembly of scaffolding at V1 NPP and A1 NPP
Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav Bratislava
- maintenance and anti-corrosive paintworks of a meteo mast
VÚB Trnava
- complete cleaning of the external glazed cladding of the bank’s building
EKOM s.r.o.
- cleaning of the assembly plant and pressing shop, vacuum cleaning of the paint shop
Public Sector
Town Piešťany
- reconstruction of canopy above the music hall, reconstruction of terrace in the art school, reconstruction of gymnasium
- reconstruction of the roof of the grammar school
Town Trenčín
- development of documentation of construction plans of public work for projects financed from EU funds
Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic
- development of documentation of construction plan of public work for construction of simulator at Sliač Air base
- civil works at military cantonment in Topoľčany
- LIDAR survey
- elaboration of design documentation for building permit for refurbishment of Sliač Air base
- performance of terrain surveys at the premises of Sliač military Air base (pyrotechnical, presence of asbestos, engineering-geological, hydrological, environmental, topographical, structural, constructional, engineering networks, rainwater drainage)
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